Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day in the Life of Me

What it's like to be hard of hearing/deaf. I get up every day (if I don't fall asleep with my hearing aid) in I get out of bed put my ear in and start my day. During several parts of my day my hearing aid is either going to beep really loud, feel like it needs adjusting (settings), battery needs changed, or it starts acting weird. Why I keep wearing it when I would rather not: because some people are so rude they would rather yell at me to get my attention than let those who know how to communicate (by ASL) do so also music. They would rather not take the time to walk over to me tap me on the shoulder and talk to me so I could at least read their lips instead they want to get mad and yell behind my back thinking I can somehow completely understand what is being said. How rude can people get? It's almost as if I have no feelings of my own or that I even matter to that person. Why I would rather live without a hearing aid: cheaper (no batteries, nothing to fix, hearing will either stay same or get worse), don't have to worry about hearing ok then not hear anything, whomever would have to learn sign or treat me with respect for me to communicate with them, and people would be able to tell that I have trouble hearing because I wouldn't use my voice therefore no one would think I can hear everything perfectly because of how well I can speak. Respect is a two way street in order to get it you have to give it too. I would like to be able to choose for myself not to wear my hearing aid because of those reasons but I feel like I have no choice because those same people that yell at me because they want my attention think that my choices are being made for me and get mad and irritated when I use sign language to communicate or could it be they are upset with themselves because they didn't take the time to learn for me or for others? By the way in case you didn't know sleeping with hearing aids in will and can cause ear infections like swimmers ear and it can cost $200 or more to get it taken care of.
   I watch tv shows like the new on on ABC Family "Switched at Birth" and I saw myself in a few of the first episodes. I wonder what it would be like to be able to choose like Daphnie on the show. She wasn't forced to learn how to talk or expected to talk. This is what I often think of throughout my day. Why didn't my family ever learn sign, why don't they or some others think that it's ok to be different than they are, why do I have to be yelled at just because they don't want to take the extra time and go out of their way to get my attention? Is it really my fault and should I be blamed for wanting to choose something different because it's always been decided for me? It's my hearing shouldn't I get a say? Some say that a woman has the right to choose to end a pregnancy, but how come some of those same people disagree with someone else's choice of their own bodies like their hearing? I am perfect just the way God created me to be. He made me this way for a purpose and a reason who am I to try to fix what's already broken as some would say? Drs. want money to fix hearing troubles but sometimes the risks of it aren't worth it. I'm thankful that I have friends and family who want to learn to communicate with me unlike some other people. Want to communicate with me you have to use your hands. This is a day in the life of me. Later I will share how to get someone like me's attention.

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